“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
~ Maya Angelou
While working on my first book, I refused to be that untold story. But my refusal didn’t come easy while navigating the birth of that first book. It’s much easier for me to sit in a wobbling kayak on the ocean, than in a steady office chair in front of a computer. I discovered that paddling the Inside Passage was the easy part. Living that experience, then writing about that experience, trying to craft it into a relatable story, and then getting that story published, was much more daunting. At times, nothing felt as exasperatingly impossible, not even arduous forty-mile days, fierce head winds, or mountainous swell—as writing did.
Incremental decisions such as renting an office space, buying a business license, attending writing conferences, and joining writing communities shifted my life in a new direction. I began the serious work of being a working writer. No longer a hobby, no longer a way to make “a little money on the side,” the shift caused me to treat it like the profession it deserved. And I began a new narrative: defining myself as a nature writer, a travel writer, an outdoor writer. Writing about adventures. I was shifting toward being an “adventurepreneur”!

The JOURNEY of the BOOK:
When my debut memoir was released in 2016 I could finally say I was a published author. It was simultaneously humbling, empowering, and mind-blowing, similar to how I felt when I took my last strokes up the Inside Passage. I knew I had a story to share and I hoped that by sharing something profound with my readers that they would discover something profound about themselves. It’s been a gift, to me, and to those who it resonates with. It’s become a springboard for everything I’ve done in my life since that time. My goal with all my books is to take my readers—YOU— along for the ride and inspire you to take chances, pursue YOUR dreams, find YOUR truths, and realize YOUR full potential.
Balancing the art of writing with the business of publishing, promoting, and marketing is the core of my work. Much like paddling is “minutes to learn, a lifetime to master,” so too is the writing and publishing journey. Improving my art and learning how to build the business aspect of my writing life can be as tempestuous as the waters of the Inside Passage. Since an adventure writer needs (surprise!) adventures for new fodder, there is always a bit of plotting and planning going on between writing stints. I recently completed my second solo through paddle up the Inside Passage, so a fourth book is in the works. Stay tuned!
To learn about my books click here and to learn more about my other scribings click here.
Are you an aspiring writer? Do you have questions on how to turn your adventure into a book? Contact me!